Return to Sport: Summer 2021

Welcome to the darkest day of the year. It’s literally the shortest day of the year. Saturn and Jupiter are coming together into some sort of conjunction, and we can only hope no crystals are involved. And yes, it looks like we are going to see more lockdown measures. Ugh.
So maybe you need a little pick-me-up before Christmas? Here’s one:

The PUL Board has developed a multi-tiered Return to Sport plan for Summer 2021.

While the COVID-19 situation is constantly evolving, we still do not know precisely what the conditions will be in Summer of 2021. The vaccines are here, but we won’t see full deployment before the summer. The Board has accordingly developed a plan which anticipates various levels of restrictions (defined largely by number of players allowed at any one spot). We will need to be flexible as the situation changes, but this gives us a good starting point.

The full plan can be found here, and we invite any and all interested members to review it and get back to us with feedback.

No Indoor 
As you may know, we were working with Millbrook Arena to offer some limited indoor play in 2021. When we initiated this, the numbers weren’t great but there was a little room for hope. Over the past week, we’ve been watching the numbers grow and grow in Ontario, and we feel it’s just not safe. So we are pulling the plug on this initiative.

It looks like the provincial lockdown will make this decision for us anyway, but this was an easy call to make regardless. Worth a try, but safety first is still our guiding concern.

A couple of members reached out with concerns on this initiative, and we appreciate the feedback. And if two of you were concerned enough to write in, there are probably more out there in the same camp. As always, we are more than happy to hear from our members, even if they do not approve of the decisions made by PUL’s leadership.
PUL Return to Sport 2021

PUL Return to Sport 2021


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