Looking for something to do this weekend? Come on down and check out the action at Harvest, PUL’s annual ultimate tournament, featuring teams from all over Ontario and Quebec, and more than just a few Peterborough players in the mix!
Games run all day Saturday and Sunday at Beavermead Park, with the championship game at 3 pm on Sunday. Who will go home with their name on the trophy? Who will take the Braggarts’ Bushel? Only one way to find out…come check out some fine ultimate! And have you seen that weather forecast? Gorgeous.

As an added bonus, Harvest is in it’s fifteenth year! Tournament Directors Sarah and Don Hellemen have got a few extra treats up their sleeves for all the players.
Harvest volunteers!
Don and Sarah will be stepping down after this tournament, and we all thank them for running a great tournament for so many years! And thanks in advance to all the volunteers helping things run smoothly once again.
Henry’s going to help out too!