Name? Derek Hatfield
Hometown? Wawa
Years Playing Ultimate? 11
Favourite 2019 ultimate memory? Playing hard with Just Disc under the sunset at TASS in the playoffs
Favourite thing about PUL? Camaraderie, exercise and meeting new people
Why did you start playing Ultimate? I was new to Peterborough and wanted to meet new people and have some exercise
Why do you still play Ultimate? Friends, team interaction and strong rapport
Who’s another PUL player you love to play with, and why? Cara Rutter, Co Captain of our team and good friend. She has lots of knowledge of the game and I still learn from her.
What’s a skill you’re working on right now? I heard learning to flick is a good skill to have, I’ll try that
What do you do other than play Frisbee (e.g. work, fun, family)? Curling in winter takes most of my time. Board games, canoeing, camping, hiking, travelling, list goes on.

Name? Erica Chellew
Hometown? Lakefield
Years Playing Ultimate? 10, give or take a few
Favourite 2019 ultimate memory? I always love the mid-summer extra long games when half of the team is away and you start the game with no idea how you and your savage crew are going to pull off any sort of play. Somehow, win or lose, the pieces of the evening fall into place and it’s always the best game of the season.
Favourite thing about PUL? the people
Why do you still play Ultimate? the people
Who’s another PUL player you love to play with, and why? My answer from last year about Yannick is still valid. But I got the opportunity to play with Mark Wallace this year and that was nothing short of fabulous.
What’s a skill you’re working on right now? hammers and scoobers.

Name? David French
Hometown? Lakefield
Years Playing Ultimate? 17
Favourite 2019 ultimate memory? Every game with the Floppy Discs. We live, laugh, love, and grow every time we all get together on the frisbee field. <3
Favourite thing about PUL? PUL is a fantastic community that is full to the brim with amazing and supportive characters. If you ever need something, there is guaranteed to be someone that can help you among the many members of this growing family.
Why did you start playing Ultimate? You don’t have to be the tallest or the strongest to throw a nice I-O flick 😀
Why do you still play Ultimate? This sport quickly became a passion and an all-consuming love. What else would I play?
Who’s another PUL player you love to play with, and why? Tyler Steeves. The guy won’t stop smiling and I love it.
What’s a skill you’re working on right now? Lefty everything.
What do you do other than play Frisbee (e.g. work, fun, family)? There is life outside of frisbee? o.O

Name? Tara MacLeod
Hometown? Stouffville, ON
Years Playing Ultimate? 7 years
Favourite 2019 ultimate memory? Getting into the finals at Harvest (but also the entire Harvest weekend) and Tarica
Favourite thing about PUL? How welcoming and supportive the PUL community is.
Why did you start playing Ultimate? When I first moved to Peterborough I was on Kerri Kightley’s team in the women’s basketball league and she said I should try ultimate. I joined the league in summer of 2013 and have been playing ever since.
Why do you still play Ultimate? All the reasons – spirit of the game, competitiveness, sociable, staying fit
Who’s another PUL player you love to play with, and why? There are so many to name. If I have to choose one it would be Phil Reid. He is always so positive and just a joy to be with. I always look forward to playing on his team or coaching juniors together.
What’s a skill you’re working on right now? Not touching my face, good hand hygiene and physical distancing. When we are all allowed outside again I will be working on my pull.
What do you do other than play Frisbee (e.g. work, fun, family)? When not playing ultimate I can be found working as a Pharmacist or at home crocheting.

Name? Todd Melville
Hometown? St. Catharines, ON
Years Playing Ultimate? 20
Favourite 2019 ultimate memory? Playing with my family on Stormbreaker.
Favourite thing about PUL? The people
Why did you start playing Ultimate? I always loved to throw the frisbee. It is cathartic for me, now more than ever. That led to me enjoying teaching others to throw a disc and play ultimate, so I started coaching. That was 16 years ago.
Why do you still play Ultimate? Same reason I started playing, because I love throwing the disc.
Who’s another PUL player you love to play with, and why? My sons, Aidan and Tristan. It’s been amazing to see them learn how to play ultimate, and to watch them grow into spirited players who love the competition of playing a team sport
What’s a skill you’re working on right now? Disc golf.
What do you do other than play Frisbee (e.g. work, fun, family)? We love time at our cottage, walking our dog, and I’ve just started to try out disc golf.
There are so many more volunteers that help run this league of ours. They chose to be silent, but we thank them just as much.