National Volunteer Week is an annual celebration observed in many countries, to promote and show appreciation for volunteerism and volunteering. It’s a time for organizations to recognize the irreplaceable impact of their time and energy all year round.
We may be slow to the party, but once we get onboard with something we go all in. Instead of taking one week, we are going to use the whole month of April to show our appreciation.
Our league is basically run by the blood, sweat and tears of our amazing volunteers. In fact, we’d be lost without them. As a small token of our gratitude, those who helped PUL in 2018 and thus far in 2019 will be receiving sporty new hats with the logo above. This will finally make their presence known to the larger PUL community. So, if you see someone wearing one of these hats, or recognize them from their bio pictures, take a moment to thank them.
To get to know our volunteers, we asked them a variety of questions.
First up:

Name:Emily Kellar (Em K)
Hometown:Peterborough, Ontario
Years Playing Ultimate: 7
Favourite thing about PUL: Is that everyone is so friendly and you’re always guaranteed to have fun
Favourite ultimate memory: Is having sky battles at the beach tournament
Favourite tournament: Is Sun Jam, because it’s silly and fun and I got to see Kyle in a tutu.

Name:Cam Taylor
Hometown:Picton, Ontario
Years Playing Ultimate:28
Favourite Ultimate Memory: Early days in Ottawa when we used to play at a location called the Sod Farm, south of the city. Long shadowed June evenings playing on lush fields. Twenty teams in one location; the easygoing vibe; post-game, sun sinking, barefoot with the social stretching on into the night. Falling madly for the game.
Favourite thing about Peterborough Ultimate League: The community that has developed beyond the field. The ties that people have made will keep them together long after the knees give in to running up and down the field. I count myself incredibly lucky to have such a wide range of connections in this strange land.
What’s your “signature play” or throw?Double hammers at halftime.
Favourite tournament and why?: Harvest. First time I saw Beavermead I was touring prospective fields with Suzanne Ogilvie-King (the originator of PUL). I turned to her and said, “We’re going to host a tournament here.” Seeing it since come alive and thrive. Being able to do that with Johnny D. during those early days was pure PUL magic.