Hey everyone! Interested in upping your game? Never want to drop a throw again? This year, we are working with Friction Gloves to get a group deal for PUL.
If you’re interested in getting a pair of gloves specifically designed for Ultimate Frisbee players, then look no further!Simply send an email to our Tuesday Coordinator, Frenchy, with the word “GLOVES” in the subject line.Fill it out with your desired size (see sizing chart below) and color (Black, Green, White, Blue, or Red).
Lastly, send an e-mail money transfer of $25.00 to summertuesday@pultimate.ca and you’re done!Your gloves will be distributed to you by your captains shortly after shipping.
Please note that you must pay prior to getting the gloves. No exceptions.Orders must be in by May 10th. No exceptions.