Erica Newton and Tara MacLeod are working to put together a women’s team to play at No Borders Tournament in Ottawa July 20-21st, but they need to know asap as the registration deadline is coming up soon!
More details
- Girls just wanna have fun: our goal is to play some ultimate, spend time with our friends, and generally have a blast. Never played in a tournament before? Love touring and do it all the time? We want you! We think everyone should experience the awesomeness that is playing with a women’s team where ladies can play hard while being supportive and positive.
- We will arrange of accommodations and carpooling using google spreadsheets.
- Tourney fee will be 35-40$, depending on numbers.
- We will be aiming to take a full roster: 18-21 women, Remember, 3-4 games on Saturday and 3 on Sunday means your body will likely thank you for that extra line!
It’s going to be so fun – they’re pumped – come out and play.
Interested? Contact Erica Newton or Tara MacLeod.