We are one week away from our Annual General Meeting, Thursday April 6th.
For those that will be attending in person, please come to the Rugby Club House (Nichols Oval). Doors open at 6:00, meeting starts 6:30. Bar will be open, snacks will be provided.
For those who cannot attend our in person session, here are the details again to join virtually.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 8528 8790
Passcode: PULAGM2023
We have one person putting their name forth to officially join the PUL Board. Please read Tayla Mallalieu’s Letter of Interest.
As for our Agenda, you can take a peek at it here.
Grand Masters – Summer League

We are super excited to say that we are almost halfway to our goal of making 2 more teams for our Grand Masters Summer League. For all those 37+ female-matching and 40+ male-matching players who are sitting on the fence to return, or possibly playing two nights…tryst me when I say this league is super fun. It’s still competitive disc, with a bit of a chill vibe, and no running after 20+ year olds. Drop me an email, or fill out the form. It’s soooo worth it.
Junior Program Reminders

Just a reminder that our Competitive Junior Touring teams are back this year. Player Evaluation night is Tuesday April 18th at Fleming Turf, east field, 6:30-8:00. This is for junior aged players, 12-17.
We also have space in our Junior Recreational programs. If you haven’t yet signed your kiddos up now is the time. Registration officially closes April 14th. Late registrations will be charged a late fee.

Yep, we’ve still got space in our clinics (Throwing, strategy and single gender matching). So check out the registrations and sign up.